Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies

So this is a traditional yet classic recipe! My mother in-law gave me her recipe and it is one that is so good and so easy, why use anything else. Today in the kitchen I had Sous Chef Riley accompany me. Since my Sous Chef wasn't the most experienced, the recipe did take a little bit longer than planned. I think with Chocolate chip cookies everybody has their own variation, but with this recipe you don't need to add any variation. Thanks to my mother in-law for the recipe and especially to my happy Sous Chef Riley. I love her!

1 comment:

  1. With Riley as your sous chef how could they not be delicious. Full disclosure requires me to say that this is LuAnn's recipe. The kids say hers always taste better than mine and LuAnn thinks it's her pans that make the difference.
